Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sembahlah ALLAH Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu

Sembahlah ALLAH Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu

Allah Subhanahu wata'ala Tuhan pencipta langit dan bumi beserta isinya,tidak ada sesuatu pun yang setara dengan ALLAH,Tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan semua yang ada di dunia ini merupakan ciptaan Allah. Allah selalu ada dan akan selalu ada,Dia tidak diciptakan sebagaimana mahlukNya. Perbedaan Pencipta dan yang diciptakan sama seperti pelukis dan lukisannya.Wandye pingin jadi Ahli tauhid dan selalu bertaqwa.

QS 13:16 Katakanlah: “Siapakah Tuhan langit dan bumi?” Jawabnya: “Allah.” Katakanlah: “Maka patutkah kamu mengambil pelindung-pelindungmu dari selain Allah, padahal mereka tidak menguasai kemanfaatan dan tidak (pula) kemudharatan bagi diri mereka sendiri?.” Katakanlah: “Adakah sama orang buta dan yang dapat melihat, atau samakah gelap gulita dan terang benderang; apakah mereka menjadikan beberapa sekutu bagi Allah yang dapat menciptakan seperti ciptaan-Nya sehingga kedua ciptaan itu serupa menurut pandangan mereka?” Katakanlah: “Allah adalah Pencipta segala sesuatu dan Dia-lah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa lagi Maha Perkasa.”

QS 26: 24. Musa menjawab: “Tuhan Pencipta langit dan bumi dan apa-apa yang di antara keduanya (Itulah Tuhanmu), jika kamu sekalian (orang-orang) mempercayai-Nya.”

NAH itu kan ditulisnya di qur'an? Terus darimana kita tahu kalau al qur'an itu benar dari datangnya dari Tuhan yang menamakan diri sebagai Allah subhanahu wata'ala?

Jika kita mencari berbagai nama Tuhan dalam kitab suci agama besar di dunia ini,maka akan kita dapati bahwa ternyata nama-nama Tuhan itu ada yang mempunyai kesamaan. Dalam bahasa ibrani kita dapati nama Elohim, atau kadang disebut Elo atau Ela dan terkadang cukup disingkat menjadi El atau Elah atau Alah. Dan cara pengucapan Alah atau Elah ini sebenarnya mirip dengan Allah yang disebutkan umat islam.Ketika Isa di kayu salib di alkitab dimana disebutkan di surat matius 27:46 dan markus 15:34,yesus berkata : “Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabacthani”

Perlu diketahui bahwa bahasa ibrani dan bahasa arab itu masih bersaudara sangat dekat,sehingga jika kata-kata tersebut di terjamahkan dalam bahasa arab akan menjadi “‘Allah ,Allah, Lama Sabachtani” (Allah,Allah ,mengapa Engkau meninggalkan aku?)

Jadi jelas bahwa Eloi adalah nama yang sama dengan Allah dalam bahasa yang berbeda,sama halnya seperti nama Ibrahim (arab) dan Abraham (ibrani) ,ataupun David (ibrani) dengan Daud (arab).

Saya ambil sebagian penjelasan diatas tadi dari website Dr Zakir Naik

Allah Subhana Wa Taala’,as explained in my talk… is an appropriate name for ‘Allah Subhana Wa Taala’ – ‘Almighty God’. Is this name ‘Allah’ mentioned anywhere else in the other Religious Scripture? If you analyze, most of the Religious Scriptures which have concept of Almighty God – somewhere or the other, most probably, one of the attributes of God Almighty is ‘Allah Subhana Wa Taala’. For example, if you read the Bible – in the Hebrew language, they call ‘God Almighty’ as ‘Elohim’. ‘Him’ is a sign of respect in the Semitic languages. So actually it is ‘Elo’. ‘Elo’ for God. And if you read the Bible Old

We Muslims prefer calling God by arabic word Allah

Testament also, it says, for God, ‘Elo’, or ‘Ela’. And in the English Bible, revised by Reverend Scofield – he gives the spelling of ‘Ela’ as alternatively, either as ‘El’ or ‘Elah’ or ‘Alah’. It is pronounced as ‘Elah’, ‘El’, ‘Elah’ or ‘Alah’. We Muslims when we write in English ‘Allah’, – we write ‘Allah’ But Reverend Scofield wrote ‘Alah’. They pronounce ‘Elah’, we pronounce ‘Allah’. When I was in school, I was taught T-O to, D-O… do, G-O… GO, is what? Not goo… it is go. I was taught B-U-T… but, C-U-T… Cut, N-U-T… Nut, P-U-T… not Put…But. I said…‘What sort of a language is this?’ They said…‘No, you have to say B-U-T… but… not boot’. And if I have to pass the examination, even I say ‘BUT’ – ‘but’. Go – is not goo – it is go. I have to, because its their language. Similarly we know how to pronounce correctly – ‘Allah’. They say ‘Alah’- we say no problem. The right pronunciation is ‘Allah’. Later on when Reverend Scofield realized what he had done – that he is coming closer to the Qur’an – may be people took objection – In the Revised Edition that thing is taken out – ‘Alah’ is taken out. So now when you get those copies… English Bible – only ‘El’ and ‘Elah’ is there – ‘Alah’ is not there. But inspite of that, yet Alhamdulillah, by the Grace of Allah Subhana Wa Taala in every Bible, yet the name of ‘Allah’ is there. Because according to the Bible, when Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) allegedly he was crucified – its mentioned in the Gospel of Mathew, Ch. No. 27, Verse No. 46, as well as the Gospel of Mark, Ch. No. 15, V.No.34 –

when he was put on the cross, he cried out ‘Elai Elai Lama Sabac thani’- so as to say ‘Oh God, Oh God, why have thou forsaken me. ‘If you analyze and ask them that – what is, ‘Elai, Elai Lama Sabacthani’. It is a Hebrew quotation, but it has been maintained – even in the English Bible. It has been maintained. And then they translate… ‘Elai Elai Lama Sabacthani’… ‘Oh God, Oh God, why have thou forsaken me?’. Some people say… ‘the name of God is ‘Jehovah’. So I ask them, ‘does ‘Elai Elai Lama Sabach thani’ – sound like ‘Jehovah ‘Jehovah’ why has thou forsaken me? They say… ‘No’. Does it sound like ‘Jesus… Jesus (peace be upon him), why has thou forsaken me?’. They say… ‘No’. Hebrew and Arabic language are sister languages. If you translate… ‘Elai Elai Lama Sabactani’ into Arabic… it is ‘Allah Allah Lama Sabachtani’. Does it sound similar? – Yes! Why? – Sister languages. And the best part of it is that, the Bible has been translated into more than 2000 different languages – and in every language, this quotation is verbatim… the same… ‘Elai Elai Lama Sabachtani’ Whether it is a Tamil Bible, Chinese Bible, Hebrew Bible, any Bible – this Hebrew quotation has been maintained, and the word ‘Allah’ (Subhana Wa Taala) is there, in each and every translation of the Bible.
Baca juga:

This word ‘Allah’, – the Guru Nanak, one of the attributes he gave to God, is ‘Rahim’- Also he gave ‘Allah’. If you read the Hindu Scripture Upanishad – one of the Upanishad is called as the ‘Allo Upanishad’, and God Almighty is called by ‘Allah’ several times. Even in Rigved…even if you read the Rigved, the name of ‘Allah’ (Subhana Wa Taala) – one of the attributes is given in Book No. 2, Hymn No.1, Verse No. 11 – the name – one of the attributes of God Almighty as, ‘Allah’. They write it as ‘Ila’. But when you pronounce it, we have to tell them – Pronounce it as Allah.

Ternyata bukan hanya dalam bahasa ibrani saja,bahkan hampir semua bahasa yang memanggil Tuhan,meskipun penulisannya sedikit berbeda seperti Ila ataupun Allo tetap saja harus dibaca berbunyi Allah sebagaimana umat islam membacanya Allah (Awloh).

Dr Zakir juga menulis berikut ini tentang keunikan nama Allah

The Muslims prefer calling the Supreme Creator, Allah, instead of by the English word ‘God’. The Arabic word, ‘Allah’, is pure and unique, unlike the English word ‘God’, which can be played around with.

If you add ‘s’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Gods’, that is the plural of God. Allah is one and singular, there is no plural of Allah. If you add ‘dess’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Goddess’ that is a female God. There is nothing like male Allah or female Allah. Allah has no gender. If you add the word ‘father’ to ‘God’ it becomes ‘God-father’. God-father means someone who is a guardian. There is no word like ‘Allah-Abba’ or ‘Allah-father’. If you add the word ‘mother’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘God-mother’. There is nothing like ‘Allah-Ammi’, or ‘Allah-mother’ in Islam. Allah is a unique word. If you prefix tin before the word God, it becomes tin-God i.e., fake God. Allah is a unique word, which does not conjure up any mental picture nor can it be played around with. Therefore the Muslims prefer using the Arabic word ‘Allah’ for the Almighty. Sometimes, however, while speaking to the non-Muslims we may have to use the inappropriate word God, for Allah.

Maha suci ALLAH.

ternyata nama Allah saja sangat unik dan luar biasa memukau,tidak ada padanan dan berdiri sendiri sebagaimana ke-MahaKuasaanNya

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